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The Table Podcast

Robert Emmons

How Gratitude Just Might Save Your Life

Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis
November 25, 2014

Giving thanks is more than a holiday; it can change your life.

You ought to say thanks. At LEAST once a year. Gratitude is a sign of good character and social courtesy. We’ve known that for thousands of years, right? But modern psychology, especially recent work in positive psychology, is providing empirical evidence that gratitude increases your well-being, even in the hardest times. Listen to this 23-minute interview on your way to the airport or while you’re stuck in Thanksgiving traffic. It features Robert Emmons, one of the world’s leading researchers of #Gratitude, on the power of saying thanks.

From our Table to yours, Happy Thanksgiving from those of us at CCT.

For more from Robert Emmons and gratitude, check out this podcast and this video interview.