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The Table Video

Center for Christian Thought

How wisdom transforms community

The great ideas that shape culture often begin in or communities of people working out and sharing those ideas together—communities where disagreement doesn’t divide or separate, but makes the ideas better. That’s what CCT is all about. Jesus nailed the human life, and he took it upon himself to teach others how to live it well. So he gathered around himself students for the purpose of leading them into a way with God in our world, and thus launched a tradition of Christian thought.


Announcer: The great ideas that shape culture often begin in communities of people working out and sharing those ideas together. Communities where disagreement doesn’t divide or separate but makes the ideas better. At Biola University Center for Christian Thought we’re providing a space for that. We’re giving people opportunity to do what they came into this business wanting to do. To think together, carefully, about the big ideas.

It’s respecting the freedom of the other. Would you be willing?

Advocating a kind of way of life without evaluation.

There is this question integratively of well, where was Jesus kind of getting that compassion?

Care about you. We may disagree on this but I really love you.

At the Center for Christian Thought it’s a mutual desire to see Christian wisdom play out in the church and in the academy. That we needn’t get by on trite answers to life’s big questions. And part of what animates us is the desire to bring the depth of that Christian wisdom and tradition to folks who are wrestling with a broken world. [inspirational music]

The kinds of ideas discussed around the table at the Center for Christian Thought have power to transform people through conversations at coffee shops, in backyards and neighborhoods, communities, churches. So we want to bring these conversations to bear on the real lives of people everywhere. [inspirational music]

Jesus nailed the human life. And He took it upon himself to teach others how to live it well. So He gathered around Himself students for the purpose of leading them into a way with God in our world and thus launched a tradition of Christian thought. [inspirational music]